||work out|| current favorite flow yoga workout videos from Yoga with Adriene

I recently got back to my yoga practice after some on and off periods due to various reasons including my busy schedule and my laziness 😀

I also switched from doing mainly Hatha Yoga to doing mostly Flow (Vinyasa) Yoga because I wanted to build up my strength together with raising awareness about my breaths 🙂 (rather than focusing mainly on my in and out breaths as in Hatha). Flow Yoga sometimes involves a little bit of a cardio workout, or sometimes makes me sweat a bit, so it’s also a big bonus to get on the mat and learn Flow/Vinyasa <3

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Here are some of my favorite flow yoga workout videos from Yoga with Adriene 🙂 I find her lessons easy to follow and Adriene herself is an awesome and inspiring woman <3

I follow Adriene’s lessons every time I get on my mat, and I’ve been able to keep my practice around 5 times a week 😀

As I’m traveling to some places/countries soon, I’d like to leave a note here on my favorite videos so that if I’m not able to bring a yoga mat with me during 1 month of backpacking, I’ll have something to go back to when I’m back from traveling 😀 (because I forget things easily thus might not be able to recall which of Adriene’s hundreds of yoga videos were my favorite 😀 )

1. Vinyasa Yoga for Strength – 40 mins: awesome practice with lots of movements for the leg and arm’s muscles. I do it quite often, mostly in the morning. It creates some heat in the body, wakes me up in the morning to get ready for the day 😀 there are some poses in this video that I’m stilling working on my balance, eg. the chair pose with the twist of the arms to one side then you have to lift the other side’s leg up and then extend it all the way to the back to create a lunge with a twist 😀

2. Flow for Detox & Digestion – 20 mins: this is a shortened version of the first video 🙂 quite a nice work out when I’m short in time 😀 the poses are faster than in the first video. a pretty nice choice but if I have more time and want a better challenge, I’ll go with the 1st one.

3. Power (did she mean Empower?) Yoga – 45 mins: this is quite an intense workout 😀 with quick transition between the movement. I did not like this lesson in the aspect that it was quite quick for me and I did not have enough time to engage in each pose or to focus on my breath. But I like it in the aspect that it involves much more cardio workout than the rest 😀 and it made me sweat much more than other videos 😀 and I felt extremely great at the end of the practice <3

4. Greet the Day Yoga – 40 mins: this is a great morning practice with lots of movements for the hand and legs 🙂 I do it sometimes 🙂

5. How to do a Head Stand – 18 mins: this is what I’ve been practicing when I’m finished with the part of any video that’s before the “lying-on-the-mat” part 😀 I fell onto my ipad once when I tried to do a head stand (because I was so careless to put my ipad near me since I watch Adriene’s videos on my ipad). another time, I fell forward. since then, I’ve been practicing this little by little. mostly with just the first part of the practice, to strengthen my arms before doing anything silly 🙂 and also to avoid injury 🙂 I’ll get to that some day 😀

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